On the 30th of May 1968, the young flegling Biafran nation, celebrated its first independence. A journalist from the Guardian; a British newspaper Nadia Fowler interviewed Gen Ojukwu; the Biafran leader Lt col at the time. She wanted to know what the Biafran future prospects were.
In my opinion, this brief interview really showed both Ojukwu’s and the Biafran people’s mindset, which was quite broad, liberal and egalitarian, despite being caught up in a devestating war. The Biafran leader was able to articulate a Pan-African scenario for Biafra in a victorious post war situation, in which Biafra was expected to play a further role in helping other African countries in various capacities. This i find quite intruiging but not surprising due to the vast number of brilliant intellectuals in Biafra, of which the Biafran leader was one.
Curiously, his accusations of Northern Nigerian parochialism and philistinism are very valid and seem to persist even presently, he did also say that Nigeria can do without Biafra, if only it recognised its true potential and stopped being indolent. I find this short article quite revealing and hope the audience enjoys it as well as understanding the meanings of the answers given by the Biafran leader, during the Biafran war.
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